
Fall Color Predictions!

Posted on September 10, 2020

Yes, it's that time of year again... Labor Day is in the rear-view, days are getting shorter, nights are getting cooler... and soon, the leaves will begin to put on their annual show! And this week Mark Torregrossa, meteorologist for MLive, has come out with his predictions of when peak color times will be throughout the state, shown in the graphic below from the site.

fall color forecast

According to Mark, what he is seeing now in our weather patterns determines his prediction. He says that chilly mornings are what typically kicks the color change into high gear. The last few years, it has been on the warmer side, which means the timing of the leaves changing has fallen behind by a week or more. This year however, it has already been considerably cooler, with some areas in the northern part of the state showing predicted low temperatures in the 30-40 degree range in coming days.

Another thing he is seeing... or I guess we should say that he isn't seeing... is very much change happening now, in September. Usually you'll see some more subtle color changes that we are now, which Mark argues might actually be a GOOD thing: it could indicate that the various tree species are in sync for peaking all at the same time... which would make for a spectacular show this year!